Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day Four

So, the kids both took a good nap this afternoon and I got almost 2 hours of digging in. Completed the fence side. Ethan bought fertilizer for the rest of my gardening instead of cow poop. I like the poop because it adds extra volume to the beds. The fertilzer IS cheaper, though... I am still undecided as to what to use for leveling the lawn. Thinking I may buy a bag of topsoil from HD and see how far it goes. I really have to get that seeded.

I also decided to be a plan out my garden a little more (as opposed to just throwing the seeds up in the air and hoping the grow. I drew a little plan of the garden and will lay it out there.

I also took a little stroll around the yard to check out last year's labors. Ok, I do this everyday, multiple times a day, but this time I brought the camera. I am so excited the daffodils and tulips are coming up. There are also little crocus sprouts appearing. Some are green spikey things and other look like I planted the bulbs upsidedown. I have been told by two people that at least know more than I do about gardening that it is unlikely that this is the case. I hope that they are just a different variety.

1 comment:

Gramily said...

What IS fertilizer, if not poop?