Saturday, June 7, 2008

Growin' to town

Things are really happening out there. we will see how everything fairs through 4 days of above 90F heat. My four o'clock mixes are coming up nice. I even transplanted a bunch to a corner where nothing was coming up. I also transplanted some sprouts along the front of the yard and they are doing so well. It may be time to say my good byes... These Cosmic Oranges seem to like their location. I can't wait to see them in bloom.
My guard duck is watching over these mixed cut flowers planted in the basket we received from Beth at Sophia's baptism.
My first Iris bloom. Ahhhh. I took this picture yesterday and it is already wilting. A second looks ready to burst, though.
If you look REALLY close you can see some of the buds I hope will keep on going to become flowers.
Corn is about half of Dylan's height. At least this row it. I think the organic seeds I tried to use in a couple replanting rejected my non-organic soil. None would take. I replanted a third time with the first batch of non-organic ones and they are now coming up. Go figure.
Glad I ready a blog that was sent to me on basil. I never would have recognized these to be the beginnings of basil plants. YAY!
I am really not sure what the plants below are. hmmmmm.

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