Thursday, April 23, 2009

Round 2

Ok, so round 1 last year didn't go as well as hoped. Lawn is still lumpy and patchy with dirty and moss. My vegetable garden didn't exactly flourish. New approach: throw my heart and soul into the lawn in the fall and focus on the flower beds now. I am going to skip the wimpy vegetable garden and try get some perennials going instead. I much prefer pretty, nice smelling plants anyway. I went to town planting bulbs for spring last fall. Unfortunately a bunch started coming up THAT fall and though the stalks are turning green I think I was mistaken to trim them in hopes new shoots would come. I think the yellow stalks may have turned green and even flower. Anyway, I am kind of pleased with the new bed on the west side of the house. I am glad the tulips and daffodils are all in bloom and like the variation in daffodils. They are flopping over, though, and I rather them stand tall and more full. Baby steps. I planted a ground cover "Myrtle" in the corners of the yard and hope they take off and eliminate the need for mulch there. I like the bulbs coming up there - Hibiscus? I planted some petunias along the fence to take over when the tulips and daffodils pass their season. I bought a couple rose bushes for the south side of the house and planted some summer bulbs - Freesia and Dahlias. I swear I planted dahlias last year from seed, however, they were in bulb form at the store. Do they start as seed and grow bulbs? I am hesitant to dig up the ground in that area this year as I think I hit a bulb when my first shovel went in. Wait and see?
South wall: New Tulip
YAY! I bought peonies last year and they didn't do anything. I believe this is a peony as this has sprouted up in both locations I had once planted them...
I will pretend these ducks are to blame for my stunted daffodils. I see some lilies coming up though!
One of my favorite new daffodils.
I wish I saved the tops of the bags when I planted last fall so I would know what kind of daffodils I planted...
New corner plantings include more daffodils and tulips and Myrtle ground cover. Planted those hibiscus' around the tree (I think)
Northeast corner, similar plantings.

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