Variety is the spice of life
Ok, so I think my planting is almost done... Maybe. For now. Went out and treated myself to some more b-day/ mother's day plants, yay me! Filled up the pots on the driveway with Marigolds as they have been most successful there over the past couple of years. They are pretty, but stinky, so this is a good location for them. My late blooming tulips are still in blooming which adds some nice variety here.
Here my ducks are feasting on the lilies I planted last year. the lilac bush and tree I planted a few years ago are doing really well. Wahoo! Still don't have very many blossoms yet. maybe next year...
Here we see my new "creeping phlox" that I hope will some day creep around a nice section of my garden. Planted a new rose bush here and transplanted some daffodils and iris' over here.
This is my "herb garden". The parsley has taken care of itself (probably why it is doing so well) - I left it over the winter and it just started growing again on it's own. I bought these basil plants and hope to make pesto at the end of the season.
This is the rest of my vegetable garden. MUCH less extensive than last year. Just have three tomato plants and about 6 cucumbers. Not banking on much for the cukes, but we'll see...
Here grows my Myrtle, Daffodils, petunias and some iris'. Petunia lane. I really like the variety here - late blooming tulips, iris leaves popping up, newly planted petunias, a few marigolds and some sweet woodruff. More petunias... And last but not least, we have the rose bush, peony bush, myrtle, petunia, daffodil, marigolds and cosmos that seeded themselves last fall. Yay spring!
Some close ups of my new tulips and daffodils.
Most favorite tulip.
1 comment:
Love the garden pics. Good work.
Do the ducks not eat the veggies? We had trouble two years ago with bugs eating our basil. We took empty little yogurt containers cut a slit up one side and a hole out of the bottom and planted them around the base of the basil. This helped.
Then last year I just planted them in our planters. Like the ones where you have your marigolds. It was fantastic. No bugs, no animals.
Can't wait to see your garden in full bloom this summer. Keep posting the pics.
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